Request Prayer
Request a Prayer
To Send a Prayer Request, please go to the bottom of the page and type your request in the box and click on the submit button. Our Prayer Team will pray for you. (Unless you provide it, we do not see your name or email address.)
Also, please help us make a difference in our local, state and national governments by praying with us. Join us in praying the prayer below.
Prayer for Elected Officials
Dear Lord:
We come before you with thanks for the service of all the elected officials in Minnesota; School Board Members, Mayors, County Commissioners, State Representatives, State Senators, Judges, our State Auditor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Lt. Governor and Governor. We also pray for Representatives in Congress and our Senators. You have anointed them to serve all the people of this state. We ask for their protection and safety as they serve and travel. Grant them your Godly wisdom and counsel on the many issues that will come before them. Give them a spirit to work together putting Minnesotans first, not party designations. For those who are married, we ask you to guard their marriages. For those with children, that you would provide time for them to be wise and loving parents.
Lord, we also ask for the people of Minnesota to support and respect those that have been elected. Prevent us from bitterness, grumbling and complaining, but rather let us serve them with ideas and effective ways of dealing with the difficult decisions they face.
Lord, in Minnesota we face a myriad of challenges and ask for your mercy and wisdom as our leaders seek answers and solutions. We pray for our government leaders that you have anointed “for such a time as this”. Grant them all your wisdom and Godly counsel. No problem is too big for You. May our leaders and citizens turn to Your Word and to You in prayer. We know there will be tough decisions in the months and years ahead. With Your guidance and wisdom, we have confidence that our state’s problems can be solved.
In Jesus’ name,